Visually-enhanced interactive narratives
Now Responsive (mobile friendly)
Exploring Abandoned Railroads, Trolleys and Rails Trails in the Northeast
Retracing long forgotten railroads and trolleys in New York, Vermont and Connecticut, the series documents extensive research “in the field” (photos, rail trail videos, interactive maps). Historical photos and topographical maps as well as a large array of links to other sites provide an in-depth look at "what once was" and what still exists.
The Growth of Railroads in the Capital District
Chronological details on the growth of railroading in New York State’s Capital District told primarily through maps.
A 1924 Snapshot of the Northeast's (New England and New York) trolley systems. Interactive maps are the centerpiece of this endeavor.
Future of U.S. Railroads
From the glory days as the railroad envy of the world to its current sorry state of affairs; a look at what happened to our train system and what is needed to get it back on track.
Upstate NY - History Tidbits
Schenectady and North (Burnt Hills, Ballston Lake and Vicinity)
-History Tidbits, Railroads and Trolleys, Waterways and Bridges, Flooding
Native Americans
An easily navigable introduction to North America's Native Americans. Learn about Migration History, Cultural Groupings, Languages and more...
This Land Was Theirs...
An overview of Native America history in upstate New York, starting from colonial times until the present, told primarily through maps.
Great Buildings - Midtown NYC
A tribute to "old school" monumental elegance...
Interactive Maps (Flash, Google, etc.)
Custom-made Trail Maps, Historical Comparisons, Early Railroad Maps, etc.
Infographics, Maps, Music and More
Blog about infographics with a bias towards maps.
Historical Map Comparisons
Selected Mountain Biking Parks in Southwestern Connecticut.
Historical Maps of Connecticut Railroads and Trolleys
A compilation of Connecticut historical railroad and trolley maps. Thumbnail navigation provides easy visual access to a variety of online maps and historical info.